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Teacher Training

   Yoga Teacher Training                      Schedule and Tuition                     Shopper's Guide


Practice of Asana – This is a series of four sessions that will explore the practice of asana. The class will delve into the specifics of alignment, energetics, and effects of the postures in the four major categories: Standing postures, Forward-bending and Twisting postures, Back-bending postures, and Inverted postures.


Yoga Philosophy - Patanjali's classic text on yoga provides an illumined system for the evolution of consciousness. In this course, we will study this seminal work to fully understand the concepts and techniques it presents as well as to learn how we can use the teachings to deepen our own practice. Additional study of other key yogic texts including the Bhagavad Gita will be included as well.


Foundations of Asana - This course will explore the relationship of the practice of asana to the true goal of yoga- liberation. Topics will include asana's function as a part of practice, how and why asana can move us toward liberation, and how to skillfully use asana as an effective part of our practice without striving toward the perfection of the outer form. In addition, the class will investigate the ten fundamental principles of asana and how they relate to different poses.


General Anatomy - An understanding of the workings of the physical body and its systems is important when we become involved with teaching yoga to others. This course will provide an overview of the major systems of the body as well as a more in-depth investigation of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.


Anatomy of Asana - Knowledge gained in General Anatomy will be applied to the functioning of the various bodily systems in asana practice, with special concentration on the workings of the musculo-skeletal system.


Modifications and Manual Adjustments - In this class, we will learn how to modify poses to accommodate various conditions and body types. Topics covered will include the theory of modifications, use of props, and common misalignments.


Deepening the Practice - In this course, we will look at ways to keep our practice fresh and interesting, all the while maintaining its effectiveness. Working from anatomical landmarks, innovative sequencing, and altering pace and intention will all be explored.


Gentle and Restorative Yoga - Gentle and restorative yoga carries enormous benefits for seniors, people with illness and injuries, as well as able-bodied practitioners. In this course, we will look at specific techniques and postures for teaching this meditative and rejuvenating style of yoga.


Pranayama and Meditation - As one of Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga, pranayama is a key component of yoga practice. In this course, we will introduce and practice various preparatory and traditional pranayama techniques and will discuss breath as the primary vehicle of prana and the relationship of breath to mind and body.


Working with Beginners - Working with beginning students is arguably one of the most important and challenging aspects of teaching yoga. Common beginner issues, teaching strategies, and preparatory postures will all be covered in this course.


Teaching of Asana - This is a series of four classes that will explore the teaching of specific asanas. This class will delve into the specifics of alignment, energetics, common problems, modifications, and use of props in postures in the four major categories: Standing Postures, Forward-bending and Twisting Postures, Back-bending Postures, and Inverted Postures.


Integrative Teaching - A coherent and inspiring class includes many elements, all of which must be successfully woven together into a seamless whole. In this class we will investigate teaching techniques that bridge the physical, mental, and spiritual realms to create classes in which all elements reinforce and support all others.


The Ethics of Teaching Yoga - In this course, we will explore what it means to be a yoga teacher and look at the ways in which we can ensure that the teachings and our relationships with students and others remain wholesome and pure.


Yoga for Special Needs - In this course, we will explore how best to work with students having conditions requiring special attention or modifications.


Building a Class - Weaving all of the elements of a yoga class into a seamless, self-supporting whole is an art form. This class will explore the different elements of a yoga class, including creating an environment, developing a theme, and the art of asana sequencing.




Assistant Teaching - While not a formal class, this condition of graduation requires that student teachers assist another approved qualified teacher in an ongoing public class.


Student Teaching Practice - This class will provide student teachers with the opportunity to create and present a class to a group of their peers. All participating students will have the opportunity to experience and evaluate classes given by their peers.


Group Teaching Rounds – These sessions are designed to further assist students in developing their teaching skills through teaching to their peers. Students will practice teaching to one another in small group settings under the supervision of staff.




Workshops - Various workshops will be held throughout the year. Upcoming topics may include: Yoga for Children, Contact Yoga, Meditation, Sanskrit, and others.


Home Study - There will be a minimum of 44 hours home study for completion of homework and home practice.


Weekly Asana Classes – Ongoing practice is the cornerstone of yoga. With this in mind, students will be required to attend asana classes with teacher training staff.


Home Practice Requirement – Students will be required to maintain a home yoga practice, practicing a minimum of three hours per week.

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15440 North 7th St  |  Phoenix, AZ 85022

(602) 843-7872

Studio Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00AM - 12:00PM

5:00PM - 8:00PM


8:30AM - 12:00PM


8:30AM  - 2:00PM 

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